salamander watermark

The Bigger Boat - Custom Sheet Metal Sign


Salamander were recently approached by The Bigger Boat, a digital marketing agency who wanted a bespoke front entrance sign to hang outside their new office. The sign needed to display The Bigger Boat’s logo; large and clear enough so that clients could easily identify which was their premises.

The Bigger Boat Custome Sheet Metal Sign


The Bigger Boat wanted to use two different types of steel – a front layer of uncoated steel, with a layer of treated steel behind. The rationale behind using the untreated steel was that it would rust over time; linking to the texture of a boat’s hull in keeping with their brand.

They also liked the contrast that the rusting steel would have against the treated, clean steel, as it would make their logo really stand out. The two sheets of steel were separated by 4 steel spacers, in order to give the sign an impactful depth of field.

The Bigger Boat Custome Sheet Metal Sign


The Bigger Boat are pleased to report that their sign has begun to rust nicely! To talk to us about signage manufacture, please get in touch!


For me, the great thing about this project was being able to talk it through with the guys at Salamander. It’s pretty unusual to request steel that will rust quickly, but Salamander understood what we were trying to achieve. They gave us useful advice – not only on how to achieve the desired effect, but also on how we could change the way the sign was constructed so that it would be easy to mount outside the office.
Doug Main, Creative Director at The Bigger Boat

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